Michael "The Metropolitan Cowboy" Coleman, is an award winning songwriter and producer and runs the musical creation entity, See Your Shadow Songwriting. See Your Shadow was named Group of the Year by The International Music Association as well as Band of the Year at the Who's Hoo Country Music Awards and favorite band or duo at the Independent Music Network Awards.
The Metropolitan Cowboy and the See Your Shadow Network of Stars has hit Number 1 five times on the iTunes Country Chart in South Africa with the songs, "Showdown", "It Starts With Hello", "My Worth", "Today I Do Became I Don't" and their breakout recording, "I Will Tell Jesus You Said Hello" for which they received the coveted PrayzeFactor Award, as well as reaching the top 20 on the Christian Radio Music Chart.
See Your Shadow has had three consecutive Top Ten hits on the Independent Country Music Radio Charts with their songs, "Missing West Virginia", "Take it to Your Grave" and "Crazy Things Like That" which reached Number 1 on the National Radio Hits Chart and the Independent Music Network Chart. The follow up single, "Whatever on the Rocks", also hit Number 1 on the National Radio Hits Chart and the Independent Music Network Chart and See Your Shadow was named Best New Country Band at the Independent Music Network Awards.
The Metropolitan Cowboy also wrote and produced the new Christmas classic, "Christmas on Cellblock 9" which reached the top 20 on the iTunes chart in Great Britain and was named the Best Original Christmas Song at The Red Carpet Awards in The Netherlands.
The Metropolitan Cowboy also wrote and produced the female empowerment anthem, "I Know My Worth", the first female hick hop recording performed by a woman of color which reached Number 2 on the iTunes Pop Chart in South Africa.

“You just never know how a song will resonate with a listening audience and we took a chance with 'I Will Tell Jesus You Said Hello' and it was worth it.”
“You just never know how a song will resonate with a listening audience and we took a chance with 'I Will Tell Jesus You Said Hello' and it was worth it.”
Michael "The Metropolitan Cowboy" Coleman
Michael "The Metropolitan Cowboy" Coleman
"It Starts With Hello"
"It Starts With Hello"
"Today, I Do Became I Don't"
"Today, I Do Became I Don't"
"I Know My Worth"
"I Know My Worth"
"My Worth"
"My Worth"
"I Will Tell Jesus You Said Hello"
"I Will Tell Jesus You Said Hello"
"Christmas on Cellblock 9"
"Christmas on Cellblock 9"